
Breakfast Beans Rice & Cilantro

I can't believe how delicious and easy this is for breakfast. It reminds me of gallo pinto from Costa Rica but a lot simpler.  I can whip this up faster than the hubby cooks eggs (which is also pretty fast!). This is a filling, warm and protein packed breakfast that will keep you going for a while. And it is cheap and vegan.

  • Boil, drain and freeze black beans (see this post on how to ditch the canned bean habit!)
  • Set up rice cooker. Either cook the rice and reheat from the fridge for breakfast, or set it up to cook the rice in the morning (I use an appliance/lamp timer on a cheap rice cooker)
  • Juice a lime or a lemon. I often do a few at a time and store the juice in a small half or quarter pint glass canning jar with plastic lid.
  • Wash cilantro to remove dirt. Spin dry in a salad spinner. Store in fridge.
At breakfast:
Reheat beans and rice (I use the microwave at 70% power). 
Meanwhile, chop the cilantro with a sharp knife.

Drizzle the hot beans and rice with:
1/2 - 1 tsp lime/lemon juice
1/2 tsp of olive oil

salt to taste

Sprinkle the chopped cilantro over and stir to combine. Eat hot.

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