
Chicken Broth (Pressure Cooker)

I'm totally hooked on the Costco Rotisserie chickens- and what better way to make my $5 chicken stretch but to make broth! I've never actually made broth the old fashioned way-- I like using the pressure cooker since it is faster, and I have a hunch that the flavor is more concentrated. The nice thing about making broth is you can use up all of those leftover veggie bits like celery tops.

 Stick in pressure cooker: 
2 carrots
chopped 1/2 onion
chopped 2 sticks celery
chopped 4 cloves garlic 
crushed 5-6 black peppercorns 
2-4 bay leaves 

Chicken bones and whatever's left in the rotisserie chicken container 
4-5 C water 

sprigs parsley (optional) 
crushed red pepper flakes (optional) 

Start heating the filled pressure cooker over medium/high heat with the cover and bobble top on (I have an old school pressure cooker). 

Cook for 20 minutes, then pull off heat and let it drop in pressure (slow release method). When you open it, strain out the spices, veggie and chicken chunks. I usually stick the broth in the fridge so it is ready to use later, but you could also freeze it in mini portions in a silicone muffin pan.

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